Terms of Use
The following Terms and Conditions govern your use of the MANEX ERP Inc. Web site (MANEX.COM and MANEXERP.com) and the materials accessible on or from the site. Please read them carefully before entering the site, and refer to them as necessary as you explore the MANEX ERP Inc. Web site. Your use of the site means that you accept the Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, please do not visit or use the ManEx Web site.
1. MANEX ERP Inc. Ownership Information. The information on this Web Site, along with any Materials (including, for example, resumes, press releases, service descriptions and FAQs) is the copyrighted work of MANEX ERP Inc. and/or its suppliers and is protected under US and worldwide copyright laws and treaty provisions. MANEX ERP Inc. grants you permission to copy such Materials so long as each copy (i) is solely for informational, non-commercial use in support of MANEX ERP Inc. products and is not modified or revised in any manner, (ii) plainly displays all copyright and other proprietary notices, in the same form and manner as on the original and (iii) displays a statement that the Materials are used solely with permission of MANEX ERP Inc..
2. Disclaimers. THE MATERIALS ACCESSIBLE FROM OR ON THIS WEB SITE ARE PROVIDED "AS IS," AND MANEX ERP Inc. EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED OR EXPRESS WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RELATING TO SUCH MATERIAL. IN NO EVENT SHALL MANEX ERP Inc. BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING (WITHOUT LIMITATION) SPECIAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES RESULTING FROM USE OF OR RELIANCE ON THE INFORMATION PRESENTED, LOSS OF PROFITS OR REVENUES OR COSTS OF REPLACEMENT GOODS. Although MANEX ERP Inc. has attempted to provide accurate information on this Web site as a service to its users, MANEX ERP Inc. assumes no responsibility for, and makes no representations with respect to, the accuracy of the information. MANEX ERP Inc. may change the programs or products mentioned at any time without notice. Mention of non-MANEX ERP Inc. products or services is for information purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation. Any claims relating to the materials or the Web site will be governed by California law.
3. Forward Looking Statements. This Web site may contain forward-looking statements. Actual results may vary materially.
4. Protection of Personal Data. MANEX ERP Inc. has a Privacy Policy that describes how the company will handle any personal data you provide while visiting the site and gives you choices as to how you wish any personal data handled. You should review this document before providing any personal data on the MANEX ERP Inc. site Privacy Policy.
5. Third-Party Statements on MANEX ERP Inc. Web site; Links. MANEX ERP Inc. may, but is not obligated to, monitor or review statements made by third parties on MANEX ERP Inc. Service's Web site. Users or other third parties may post statements or information on some portions of the MANEX ERP Inc. site from time to time. MANEX ERP Inc. makes no representation as to the accuracy, appropriateness, legality, ownership or other aspects of such statements or information. MANEX ERP Inc. expressly disclaims any liability for such third party statements under criminal or civil laws relating to defamation, intellectual property infringement, privacy, obscenity, or other areas of law. Also, at times this site may contain links to Web sites maintained by other companies, individuals or agencies which are provided as a convenience to MANEX ERP Inc. users. These linked sites are not under the control of MANEX ERP Inc., and MANEX ERP Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of information on such sites. MANEX ERP Inc. does not monitor or review the content of such third party sites and therefore advises you that your access by link to third-party sites is at your own risk.
6. Applicable Laws. This Web site originates from and is maintained in the United States of America, and MANEX ERP Inc. makes no representations regarding the legality of access to or use of the site or the materials from other countries. Any export or use of the materials by a user must be in compliance with all U.S. export laws and regulations in effect at the time of such export or use, and use is limited as described above in Section 4 of these Terms and Conditions. Access in countries where the materials are illegal is prohibited. Users who access the Web Site from outside of the United States do so at their own risk and are responsible for compliance with applicable U.S. export and local country laws.
7. Limitations on Use. MANEX ERP Inc. may revise these Terms and Conditions at any time. Revisions will be posted on this "Terms of Use" page and users are responsible for reviewing the page from time to time to ensure compliance. If MANEX ERP Inc. makes a request to you to destroy any copies of the information provided on this Web site, you will comply immediately with this request and will confirm in writing to MANEX ERP Inc. within ten (10) days that you have done so.